Our team combines world-known scientists, top tech specialists, medical professionals and experienced investors to make recovery engaging and effective.
  • Dr. Alisa Kokorina
    Neuroscientist, Founder
  • Miguel Altamirano PhD
    CTO Robot-human interaction specialist
  • Vladimir Shirokun
    Main developer
  • Mikhail Lebedev
    CSO ex Neuralink researcher
  • Issatay Tokmurziyev
Imagine a future where stroke recovery is not just possible, but exciting. We're developing innovative technology that uses brain-computer interfaces (BCI) to help people regain movement after a stroke. Our approach combines cutting-edge BCI technology, robotics, and immersive virtual reality games to create a personalized and engaging rehabilitation experience. This approach has shown to be up to 40% more effective than traditional therapy. We're driven by a personal mission to help those affected by stroke, and we believe that with the right tools and technology, recovery is within reach.
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